day and night. black and white.
hot and cold. soft and bold.
i didn't have to be told how my behavior
was too extreme for anyone's favor. really.
he had caught himself slipping and everything foiled and collapsed through his fingers like sand. how could he expect a machine to run so smooth? man made operations call for absolute room for error. no doubt. so it starts with it never being in his own personal control in the first place.
he took a deep breathe. this time, he remembered to do it right. breathe it in ever so ever so ever so deeply and then exhale, venting it like fog. you only get to do it once. and get over it.
he lost faith in people. their selfish obtuse perspective that was anything but acute. everything in their own right as it fits best for themselves carrying it further to over-obsessing and adding about amongst their collectible fortunes.
he was stuck in an hourglass not knowing which way to turn. the future was bleak but it was already set in motion. the past, never able to catch up with either. two worlds always running into nothing. that was his problem. everything in his life seemed to move quickly. everything that seemed solid would particalize. thoughts like grains falling so fast falling so fast so fast hitting hard bases.
he drove himself acidic. it was as if he was moving in cranberry jello, the only flavor made of real fruit. as real as he tasted it and as fruity of a predicament his reality was.
he had to realize he was in control. he was a gear in the machine and amongst the unique rates other gears were grinding to movie the machine, it all still functioned, just not as perfectly. it will never be perfect. never and perfect are two words that belonged together.
at the end of that breathe, time shifted and he was in a brand new direction.